Our week in the forest

Wimbledon - Jungles, Animal Houses and Animal Songs!

Wimbledon - Jungles, Animal Houses and Animal Songs!

This week at Wimbledon we have had lots of exciting things happening with all of our new friends! It has been great to welcome everyone into the forest and show them all of our amazing activities that we do. Our returning Little Forest Folk-ers have also been such great helpers with getting their new friends settled.

Putney Heath - 'ZOG'!

Putney Heath - 'ZOG'!

This week at Little Forest Folk Putney, the woods came alive with stories, creativity, and hands-on learning! We continued our theme of "Stories," and the children embraced the magic of storytelling, expanding their understanding through the use of props, scavenger hunts, and even tool work. It was a week filled with adventure, imagination, and new skills.